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A full list of publications and other dissemination can be found here
- Dalgaard T, Brock S, Hansen B, Hasler B, Hertel O, Hutchings NJ, Jacobsen B, Jensen L S, Kjeldsen C, Kronvang B, Olesen JE, Schjørring JK, Sigsgaard T, Graversgaard M, Turner K, Vejre H, de Vries W and Wiborg IA (2015) DNMARK: Danish Nitrogen Mitigation Assessment: Research and Know-how for a sustainable, low-Nitrogen food production. Chapter accepted for the Book publication after the N2013 conference. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 12 p.
- Hasler B, Hansen LB, Andersen HE & Konrad M (2015) Modellering af omkostningseffektive reduktioner af kvælstoftilførslerne til Limfjorden: Dokumentation af model og resultater. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy.
- Sutton MA and Dalgaard T (2015) Foreword. In: Reis S, Howard CM, Sutton MA: Costs of Ammonia Abatement and the Climate Co-Benefits. Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-94-017-9721-4. 280 p.
- Sutton MA, Oenema O, Dalgaard T (2015, in press) Preface. In: Westhoek H, Lesschen JP, Rood T, Wagner S, Leip A, De Marco A, Murphy-Bokern D, Sutton MA and Oenema O. Nitrogen on the Table: The influence of food choices on nitrogen emissions and the European environment. ENA Special Report on Nitrogen and Food. The Food Climate Research Network, University of Oxford.
- rum JE og Jacobsen BH (2013) Økonomisk konsekvens ved ændret kvælstofregulering – med udgangspunkt i Limfjorden. Udredningsnotat 2013/6. Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi (IFRO), KU.
- Oenema O, Sutton MA, Dalgaard T and Howard C (2014) Preface. In: Bittman S, Dedina M, Howard CM, Oenema O and Sutton M (eds.) Options for Ammonia Mitigation. Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. P. v-vi. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The UK. ISBN 978-1-906698-46-1.
- Dalgaard T, Kjeldsen C, Alrøe H and Noe E (2013) Fremtidens Landbrug. 161-187. In: Høiris (ed.) Fremtidens. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus. 469 p. ISBN 978-87-7124-034-4.
- Oenema O, Bittman S, Dedina M, Howard CM, Sutton M, Hutchings N and Klemont Z (2014) Nitrogen Management taking into account the whole Nitrogen Cycle. Chapter 3 in: Bittman S, Dedina M, Howard CM, Oenema O and Sutton M (eds.) Options for Ammonia Mitigation. Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. P. v-vi. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The UK. ISBN 978-1-906698-46-1.
- Oenema O, Sutton MA, Dalgaard T and Howard C (2014) In: Bittman S, Dedina M, Howard CM, Oenema O and Sutton M (eds.) Options for Ammonia Mitigation. Guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. P. v-vi. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The UK. ISBN 978-1-906698-46-1.