Pilot areas
It is important for the alliance to develop and test solutions in close interaction with a wide range of stakeholders from different parts of the country.
An important focus area is the Limfjord area. Here the alliance intends to work in Skive and Jammerbugt municipalities among others. Additionally the alliance will work with stakeholders from Varde, Horsens and Odsherred municipalities.
Figure: Map of pilot areas in Denmark.
The Alliance has created seven pilot areas that will serve as test areas where researchers and practitioners can meet and discuss the implementation of various initiatives. Research and experience from these areas can later be used in other sites with similar characteristics. It is therefore important that the pilot areas represent Denmark’s diversity both in terms of geographical location, land use, geology and hydrology. The definition of the areas is based on water catchment area and represents a fjord or a wetland.
Stakeholders from other parts of the country will continuously be involved to optimise the unfolding of the various research areas.