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Aalborg Supply, Water A/S

Water A/S delivers drinking water to about 112,000 inhabitants, equivalent to 53% of the population in Aalborg Municipality. Because of the hydrogeological conditions, there is little or no natural protection of our aquifers. Our drinking water has a relatively high concentration of nitrates. The primary effort for groundwater protection in Aalborg is targeted reduction of nitrogen and pesticides.

Primary role in the project

Knowledge of the impact of nitrogen on drinking water resources and knowledge and practical experience in the protection of groundwater.

Additional contribution

Can make data available

Special interests in relation to the pilot areas

Have particular interest in the pilot area by the Limfjord, as our water catchments drain into the fjord. If there are drinking water interests in the other pilot areas, it is also interesting.


Section Leader of Groundwater and water quality
Per Grønvald
Mail: pg@aalborgforsyning.dk
Phone: +45 7743 9175
Per works on the planning and construction of new well fields,
Groundwater protection and drinking water quality.

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